John Franklin, associate partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants, sheds some light on the smart speaker market and what to expect going forward.
Franklin says according to a new survey done by OC&C, a surprising number of consumers already have smart speakers. But only 39% of those users trust the personalized selection of shopping choices provided by Amazon or Google.
Franklin notes Google and Amazon are becoming more and more clever with marketing and the use of A.I. He believes this is one area where Apple will be playing catch up for a while.
Ten electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles will be eligible for a $7,500 U.S. tax credit, while another seven could get $3,750 under new federal rules that go into effect on Tuesday.
Amazon has confirmed that its voice assistant service Alexa and cloud computing division Amazon Web Services (AWS) are back in business after a short outage over the weekend.
Norwegian battery startup Freyr is planning its next factory in an Atlanta suburb because a new U.S. clean energy law offers generous tax credits for local production.