Sope Aluko plays Shaman in the highly-anticipated Marvel film "Black Panther" which is set to hit theaters on February 16. The film has already set box office records, outpacing any other superhero film in presales. Aluko sits down with Alyssa Julya Smith in Los Angeles to talk about the film and bringing African culture to a superhero franchise. She discusses the costumes and how they helped to create the world of Wakanda, the setting which plays a big part in the film. The actress also talks about the role of women in the film and how "Black Panther" celebrates strong women throughout. She was extremely impressed with the outcome of the film when she saw it for the first time at the premiere. Aluko also discusses the premiere and how the cast celebrated African culture while walking the red carpet, both as an ode to the film and an ode to the heritage depicted in it.

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