The 'Block 5' rocket is the first Falcon 9 rocket that can theoretically be reused 10 times without any maintenance, and up to 100 times with just minor servicing. If SpaceX can pull off seven successful 'Block 5' launches, the company could get clearance from NASA to do manned missions, says Will Goodman, managing editor of Rockets Are Cool. For the full interview, [click here](

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Advancements in Breast Cancer Care and Treatments
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Over 240,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year but today's treatments give patients a better chance at beating the disease and living a healthy life. Cheddar News spoke with Dr. Mehran Habibi, director of breast surgery with Staten Island University Hospital; Dr. Holly Marshall, division chief of breast imaging at University Hospitals Cleveland; and Dr. Neil Iyengar, breast medical oncologist with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center about the progress made in treatments.
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