In 2016 Gretchen Carlson sued her former boss Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. This opened the floodgates for more women to come forward against Ailes. In a special episode of Cheddar's Closing Bell in partnership with Cosmopolitan, Carlson shares why she was inspired to speak up. Carlson says she could not have predicted this movement 17 months ago, and now women are feeling more empowered to have a voice. "This happens to everyone," says Journalist Gretchen Carlson on this pervasive epidemic that affects every industry and not just Hollywood, TV or Capitol Hill. More than eight in ten Americans agree that at least some sexual harassment goes on in most American workplaces today, according to a recent report by Cosmopolitan and Survey Monkey. The report also found 34% of those currently employed have experienced sexual harassment themselves.

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