What would it be like to step in as the lead of a one-man show that's already underway? That's what Jeff Hiller is discovering as the new star of the off-Broadway hit "Bright Colors and Bold Patterns." He joins Cheddar to discuss what life has been like since replacing the show's creator Drew Droege. While Droege takes the production on tour, Hiller is putting his own spin on the acclaimed play. "Bright Colors" is about the night before a gay wedding in Palm Springs, California. Hiller says he thinks the show will play well outside of the New York area due to its strong script and concept. Finally, we put the actor to the test in a game of "Spot Marks the Ex." While the show is about couples coming together, we want to see how well Hiller knows famous couples who have called it quits. We quiz him on everyone from Justin Timberlake to President Donald Trump.

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