Renewing passports is task many of us would rather forget about but we have some tips to make the process go a bit smoother for you. David Alwadish, founder of ItsEasy Passport & Visa, joined 'Stretching Your Dollar' to talk about the ease of renewing passports, frequent issues people run into and expected wait times, which can take up to six months.

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Coke Announces New Raspberry-Flavored Coca-Cola Spiced
From Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to Sweet Heat Starburst, America’s snacks are getting spicier. Now, Coca-Cola wants in on the trend. The beverage giant introduced Coca-Cola Spiced, the first new permanent offering to its North American portfolio in three years.
Why Now Is a Good Time to Invest
Surprise, surprise: tech is still the sector to watch, according to Karyn Cavanaugh, Chief Investment Officer at Carolinas Wealth Management. Learn how to properly diversify your portfolio.
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