"Lemon" is a dark comedy that focuses on a mediocre man and his fall from grace. "Lemon" premiered at Sundance as a breakout film, and was a hit there before moving onto other film festivals and getting picked up by Magnolia Pictures. Writer and director Janicza Bravo sat down alongside co-writer and actor Brett Gelman to discuss how they got together to come up with this concept. Janicza explains she wanted to use the film to explore the relationship between a mediocre, straight white man and his relationship with his own assumed privileges. The duo also talked about how they got together to create the film almost six years ago, with Brett describing a short film he worked with Janicza on, and how impressed he was with her. Janicza explains that she started out as a wardrobe stylist and learned all she knows about filmmaking on movie sets. "Lemon" is currently available to stream via iTunes, Amazon Video, Google Play, and FandangoNOW.

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