Tastemade, known for its viral good videos, recently expanded into travel and home content. Oren Katzeff, Head of Programming at the company, says "taste" in Tastemade was never intended to just mean "food." Instead, it means anything that viewers have zest, zeal, or a passion for. Expanding into travel and home, Katzeff says, are a natural evolution for the brand. To date the network reaches a global audience of more than 200 million active monthly viewers, and generates 2.5 billion views. On achieving a viral video on social media, Katzeff says the focus is not on algorithms but creating quality content. Amanda Dameron, Head of Home at Tastemade, says they are really dialed into modern behaviors, and for an audience that is looking taste for a new generation. On the key to crafting a viral social video is being mindful of what will captivate your audiences attention. For Tastemade Home, Dameron is looking to create content that "unifies chaos" which is what she thinks design and home is all about.

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