Nickelodeon's hit show "Henry Danger" has captured the attention of its audience of 6-11 year-olds. The show's star Jace Norman explains what's in store for the upcoming new season.
"This is our fourth season so we are just having fun," said Norman. Making a guest appearance in the season premiere is Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White. "Shaun White is super down to Earth" said Norman.
Nickelodeon also debuting a half-hour animated series, based on the hit characters of "Henry Danger." "The Adventures of Kid Danger" is an animated spinoff.
Norman also is the creator of Edge Media, a social media engagement platform that helps brands connect with influencers who will actually sell their product. Norman says he saw the shift in media and wanted to jump on the business oppportunities within that space.
Look around - the walls you see can actually be used as gym equipment. Personal trainer Lamont J. Wallace demonstrates some moves you can do to build strength just about anywhere.
Football season is entering its final weeks but watch parties and tailgating continues -- and no party is complete without a man's best friend. Luke Silverman, co-founder of Bark Social and Penny, a friendly Cavapoo, joined Cheddar News to show how to set up the perfect puppy-friendly tailgate.
Cheddar News spoke with Big Apple Circus CEO Marty LaSalle who began as a juggler in the ring with the circus and discussed its operations, collaborations and its legacy. Cheddar News also got a chance to see juggler Noel Aguilar in action and discuss what's it like performing on the big stage.