From the Cheddar Feed

Last week, we posted a video on our social channels, a thing we do dozens of times a day. We had no idea that this particular video, about moving fish from one body of water to another, a Whoosh Innovations product, would take hold of the internet.

Behold: the fish cannon (aka salmon cannon, aka fish tube)!

In a world that can feel like it’s being torn apart, the fish tube seems to be a thing we can all get behind.

(*Disclaimer: We do not recommend humans ride in the fish tube.)

As our video made the rounds on social media and beyond, some brands got in on the fun:

Celebrities weighed in too:

The New Yorker even made a cartoon about it.

Perhaps the best part of sharing this video with the world is the response we got.

Our favorite responses? Those that came from the budding audio engineers of the internet, who replaced our music with tunes of their own choosing:

The fish cannon, but with Mario:

The salmon cannon, set to the theme song from Ducktales:

The fish tube, with a bonus Palpatine scream:

So far I haven’t found the video set to the theme song from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Internet, you know what to do.

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