Buying a home, especially for new home buyers, can be overwhelming. There are a number of variables to consider. If it's your first time in the market, you may not know where to start. Real estate experts Tom Postilio and Mickey Conlon shed light on some of the most common mistakes people make when buying a home. They share some tips on how to avoid them. Postilio and Conlon also discuss the questions that home buyers should be asking both themselves, and their realtors, before signing on a home. The first is, "should I even be buying a home?" Positilio and Conlon say that many people come to them thinking they can afford a certain home and realize that, in fact, they can't.

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Watchdog Slams IRS Identity Theft Case Delays as “Unconscionable”
An independent watchdog within the IRS reports that while taxpayer services have vastly improved, the agency is still too slow to resolve identity theft cases. And National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins says those delays are “unconscionable.” Erin M. Collins said in the report released Wednesday that overall the 2024 filing season went smoothly, though IRS delays in resolving identity theft victim assistance cases are worsening. It took nearly 19 months to resolve self-reported identity theft cases as of January, and Wednesday's report states that now it takes 22 months to resolve these cases.
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