*By Conor White* Anjali Sud, the CEO of Vimeo, seemed comfortable Wednesday with carrying the huge expectations placed on her by the video-sharing website's owner, the media conglomerate IAC. "We've invested a lot in our product and technology, we've launched a lot of new features, we're seeing our growth accelerate," said Sud at the Collision Conference in New Orleans. "We plan to exceed $100 million in revenue this year, and so I say bring it on." At 34, she is the youngest chief executive at any of IAC's companies. And her corporate bosses have declared that Vimeo is IAC's "big bet" for 2018. Despite all the hype surrounding Vimeo, Sud told Cheddar's Kristen Scholer the company won't be stretching beyond its core competency. "We're not investing in original content. There's billions of dollars being invested in that content," said Sud. "We don't think that's a problem that isn't being solved elsewhere, and we're really focused on the other side of that coin, which is the creators who are creating that content." Vimeo recently launched a Mac OS tool, making it easier for creators who use Final Cut Pro to publish their content. For more information, [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/vimeo-leaves-content-wars-behind).

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