Raise your hand if you’re wearing sweatpants right now? Raise your other hand if you haven’t washed your hair in at least a week? And I guess blink twice if you’re reading this on your smartphone while hiding out in the bathroom or maybe a closet. Ok good, we’re on the same page. 

I’m hoping everyone working from home is getting into some kind of routine. I’ve managed to perfect the WFH Mullet, aka business on the top, sweatpants or yoga pants on the bottom. For me, the mixed dress code is actually a necessity: I anchor a few hours of Cheddar each day from home and need to look professional on camera, and at the same time, I’m running after a 17-month-old during commercial breaks. 

And no, I can’t believe I actually shared the above picture and shattered the illusion that I might actually have my s*** together! 

So what’s everyone else doing in the wardrobe department? I created a quick poll on Twitter, and the vast majority of people who responded, 73 percent, say comfort is king. They’re wearing sweatpants all day, every day. The other 27 percent say they still get dressed up, the idea being that you need to look good to feel good. 

But which option is actually better for our mental health and productivity? 

Reena Patel, a parenting expert, guidance counselor and board-certified behavior analyst based in San Diego, had some advice. She told me to “keep your morning routine as if you were going to leave the house and go to work. You don’t have to be in formal workwear, but casual and comfy. Shower, do your hair. Do whatever makes you feel ready to start your workday at home. Staying in PJs all day can reinforce sluggishness you might feel over relaxed."

Despite what a lot of us want to hear, that makes total sense. Although I missed the memo on the “relaxed” part. 

I just anchored our two-hour morning show, Wake Up With Cheddar, from my new home studio — (quite a feat, and a big thank you to the Cheddar technical team!). And I’m now literally finishing this post from the floor in my bathroom. Door locked. It’s a moment of quiet before my husband and I make the switch: I’ll go watch my daughter while he does some work. It’s our new normal, and for that, I’m thankful for sweatpants (and understanding spouses).

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