Marketers use a linguistic science called ‘Sound Symbolism’ to aid in naming brands and products. The science focuses on the sounds of words and how they can affect how people perceive a word. Join Cheddar as we examine just how brand names come to be formed and if a brand by any other name is just as lucrative.

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Advancements in Breast Cancer Care and Treatments
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Over 240,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year but today's treatments give patients a better chance at beating the disease and living a healthy life. Cheddar News spoke with Dr. Mehran Habibi, director of breast surgery with Staten Island University Hospital; Dr. Holly Marshall, division chief of breast imaging at University Hospitals Cleveland; and Dr. Neil Iyengar, breast medical oncologist with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center about the progress made in treatments.
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