What does Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox have to do with the repeal of net neutrality? Andrew McCollum, CEO of streaming service Philo TV, says that a deregulated internet environment will incentivize major distribution companies to get into the programming space. “There no longer will be strong rules preventing them from leveraging their infrastructures to gain an advantage in the marketplace over potential competitors,” he said in an interview on Cheddar. Expectations that the FCC would vote to roll back protections sparked protests from internet users and enterprises alike. When the decision came down, Netflix tweeted its disappointment, saying that the agency’s “misguided order” would be the beginning of a long legal battle. McCollum, who spoke before the FCC voted, pointed out that the end of net neutrality gives consumers the short end of the stick. “You just have to imagine a world where, if you’re using Comcast and you’re trying to access [its] NBC content, it works really well. [But] if you’re trying to watch Netflix, suddenly it’s really slow.” For full interview [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/the-fight-for-a-free-internet).

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