Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg hit back against the Justice Department’s lawsuit against California’s immigration policies, saying the denunciation of sanctuary cities has no legs to stand on. “It’s factually untrue,” the Democrat told Cheddar in an interview Monday. “We, in fact, are cooperating with...federal law enforcement officials when it comes to apprehending people with serious charges against them or with serious criminal records.” Last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions accused California of obstructing enforcement of federal immigration laws, calling the state’s policies “extremist.” The legal action specifically targets three laws passed last year that limit local cooperation with federal agents and make it illegal for federal agents to raid private workspaces. Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ramped up deportations and raids. California isn’t deterred, though. “We won’t cooperate when it comes to handing over information about people who do not have serious criminal backgrounds and serious criminal records,” said Mayor Steinberg. “We are standing for the best American values.” For the full interview, [click here](

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