A recent Survey Monkey poll revealed that 37 percent of working moms say they don't find support on social media, where they are usually shamed or can't find advice. That's what inspired the founder of Pando, Sarah Lacy, to launch "Chairman Mom," a social media platform for mothers.
For the full interview, [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/why-sarah-lacy-is-creating-an-anti-facebook-with-chairman-mom).
Hero Bread's viral low-carb, keto-friendly croissant, backed by celebrity investors like Tom Brady and Kevin Durant, is revolutionizing healthy eating.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole speech on Friday is expected to align with market expectations of upcoming rate cuts, likely beginning in September.
The former Microsoft CEO launched "Just the Facts" with USAFacts to provide clear, factual information on key issues, like health, the economy, and immigration.