The Hive co-hosts Kristen Scholer and Jon Kelly discuss the top 5 hottest stories in tech and politics. From Melania Trump's appearance at the State of the Union to Mark Zuckerberg's play for local news, The Hive has the latest news you need to know. Melania Trump broke tradition and rode in a separate motorcar from her husband to the State of the Union Tuesday night... just days after news broke that Trump potentially had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels. Bess Levin of Vanity Fair discusses why Melania can't divorce Trump and how her brand can survive the next three years. Plus, Jeff Bezos attempts to tackle healthcare. Amazon, JPMorgan, and Warren Buffett have teamed up to fix healthcare within their respective companies. Vanity Fair's Nick Bilton says Bezos typically tries a project on the side before going totally mainstream with it and he thinks this deal is the first step in a larger plan.

More In Politics
Poll: Many Weary of Election Process
A large swath of Republicans aren't feeling confident in their election integrity with their primary right around the corner, according to a new poll.
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