*By Christian Smith* Y7 Studio, one of the fastest-growing fitness boutiques in the U.S., is exploring franchising as part of the yoga brand's expansion into new markets. "We're really looking into Chicago, Philly, D.C., San Francisco, more in L.A, and there's also a little bit of planning on the franchise side of things," founder and CEO Sarah Larson Levey told Cheddar. Larson Levey was featured on the cover of this year's edition of Inc. Magazine's list of the 5,000 fastest-growing companies in the country. Y7, a New York-based yoga company known for hip-hop yoga and sweat-you-from-the-inside-out infrared heat, debuted on the list at number 80 with $5.6 million in revenue for 2017 and an impressive three-year revenue growth of 4,022 percent. The company, which got its start in 2013 in a small room Larson Levey rented in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has grown to 10 permanent locations ー eight in New York City and two in Los Angeles. The key to Y7's success? Consistency, said Larson Levey. "There were definitely times where clients would have feedback, or a friend or a colleague would be like, 'You know weights are really, really starting to become big in yoga classes. You should do a class with weights. You should do a meditation class. You should add in this. You should add in that.'" "That's all fine, but it's not what I feel passionate about. There are so many places that do those things, I didn't need to throw myself in that mix," she added. Y7 offers single classes for $25 apiece ー less if you buy in bulk ー and a variety of sweat-ready merchandise in its online shop. Streaming is a relatively new way for fitness entrepreneurs to grow their revenue, but Larson Levey, in keeping with her message of consistency, said she doesn't think it's the right method for her ー largely because streaming is less experiential. "Unless we could come out with some small infrared room in your house, I'm not quite sure that would be able to translate," she said. For full interview [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/leading-the-boutique-fitness-boom-y7-studio-founder-sarah-larson-leveys-secrets-to-success).

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