Cheddar News checks in with a coast-to-coast forecast of the weather for Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023.

More In Science
Why Obnoxiously Loud Car Alarms Aren't As Common Today
If you lived in a big city in the 90s, you're probably one of the unlucky people who was kept up at night on a regular basis by errant car alarms. But today, those in that same big city hear alarms far less often than you did. So where did car alarms go? How have they evolved, and did we ever need them to begin with?
The Real Reason Washington D.C. Doesn't Have Skyscrapers
The skyline of Washington D.C. is stunted. You've probably heard that D.C. can't build skyscrapers taller than the U.S. Capital Building or the Washington Monument. But those are both myths from a bygone era. Cheddar tells the real story.
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